overflowhidden’s avataroverflowhidden’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,795

        1. I think this tweet exposes something really important: when designs have to get approved by a client/stakeholder person, they are always reviewed in that persons normal work scenario, ie. by their desk with a big screen, and they want to see “what the frontpage looks like for me" SaraSoueidan/1253630602030592000
      1. …in reply to @overflowhidden
        I know it’s a battle I’ve been fighting for years (at least 7-8), and it always comes down to the fact, that the person writing the cheque has no user insight, and is only focused on numbers, ie. “How much will this improve our sales”.
    1. …in reply to @overflowhidden
      And it’s a complete reversal of the optimal design flow: They want the frontpage first, desktop first. Designers and developers (should) want the opposite.
  1. …in reply to @overflowhidden
    Here’s the important part: it’s NOT their fault*, it’s ours. We have failed to communicate properly. This is one of the main lessons in monteiro’s brilliant book, “Design is a job” which you should absolutely read. * Ok, sometimes it is, but rarely.
    1. …in reply to @overflowhidden
      monteiro And after you’ve read that book, do what we (@shiftcph) did one year for X-mas: buy all your client’s a copy of monteiro’s other brilliant book: “You’re my favorite client”. Those two books go hand in hand and can improve your relationship with your client immensely.