overflowhidden’s avataroverflowhidden’s Twitter Archive—№ 2,052

      1. …in reply to @KittyGiraudel
        KittyGiraudel A couple of thoughts: 1) creating a skip-link is way simpler than doing a polyfill and HTML has a higher chance of working than JS. 2) if we had to do a polyfill, I think it should be done with progressive enhancement, so the other way around — but that defeats the purpose.
    1. …in reply to @overflowhidden
      KittyGiraudel So I guess what I’m saying is: skip links are not hard to implement in the grand scheme of things, so I’m not sure we need it as native browser functionality. Also, what about “skip to navigation”? There are potentially more than one <nav> element, so way harder to implement.
  1. …in reply to @overflowhidden
    KittyGiraudel ..but I like the idea of building more accessibility into the browser, and maybe skip links is one of the easier ones to get done.