overflowhidden’s avataroverflowhidden’s Twitter Archive

2,414 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
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  1. I shouldn't laugh, but come on... mikeyil/1593068166489735168
  2. Question for my #a11y friends: is the <dialog> element ready for use if I want to create a modal? It seems to work with keyboard navigation and VoiceOver, but I don't have access to NVDA/Jaws right now, so can't test. Please retweet.
  3. What's the one attribute/element/trick that most people don't know about HTML? All answers are welcome...
  4. Are you on Mastodon yet? Let me know so I can follow you :) (and you can follow me: mastodon.coffee/@therealkimblim)
    OpenGraph image for mastodon.coffee/@therealkimblim
  5. I've just installed ShellFishApp for MacOS and absolutely love it. Worth every penny (that I had already paid for the iOS app). Go Get!
  6. My reason: CodePen is a "drafts" folder for me. A place where I can instantly try something out without having to deal with NPM packages, Browsersync, git etc. — it's development without the tooling chain. chriscoyier/1584952138572386304
  7. Hey #a11y tweeps — I haven't been keeping an eye on <dialog> progress, but can see that it's supported by all modern browsers now. Is it actually accessible as well, or should we keep using polyfills/libraries?
  8. Just to be clear: I was not referring to myself here. Sure, I'll add my opinion on stuff, but I was talking about the "originators" who helped push web standards back in the days and continue to do so today — people like zeldman, meyerweb, adactio etc. overflowhidden/1583065464242339840
  9. If I had a blog, I would write a long blog post about this article, but now it's only going to be a few tweets instead. The blog post in question: dev.to/srmagura/why-were-breaking-up-wiht-css-in-js-4g9b
    OpenGraph image for dev.to/srmagura/why-were-breaking-up-wiht-css-in-js-4g9b
  10. My career in a sentence: It's all about the HTML folks! chriscoyier/1569822764269191169
  11. I'm playing around with speechSynthesis and can't get it to work in Safari (MacOS) — anyone able to see what I'm doing wrong here: codepen.io/kimblim/pen/yLjJWPw (Works fine in Firefox and Edge.) #SpeechSynthesis #JS
    OpenGraph image for codepen.io/kimblim/pen/yLjJWPw
  12. Answers to this one are great, but I'll add one more: craftsmanship. Valid HTML is proof that you care about your craft and that you know how to achieve results within a set of defined constraints. It's a challenge I still love after more than 20 years of doing it. overflowhidden/1564251073170358275
  13. Hey keyboard-users: how does one select multiple options in a <select> element that allows more than one selection? I can use shift to select a range, but what if I want to pick two options that are not next to each other? Please RT :) #a11y #Keyboard
  14. Scrolling in TweetDeck is a terrible experience — it just jumps back to the top every now and then. Also the "load more tweets" is an incredibly annoying feature. Just show me the f'in tweets in chronological order please. It shouldn't be this hard.
  15. This from gmail is just pathetic. 1) Don't tell people to switch browsers. 2) When you ignore no.1, please make sure that the button actually works, so that I can dismiss the notification.


  1. …in reply to @overflowhidden
    Secondly, as someone who has been writing HTML/CSS/JS for more than 20 years, it's obvious to me what has been proven over and over again: bet on the core foundations of the web, and don't try to one-up them. Extend them (think PostCSS etc.) and get the most out of them, but ..
  2. Dear Codecademy, please remember to add ALT-attributes in your courses. Let’s not teach bad practices. #a11y
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. If I had a blog, I would write a long blog post about this article, but now it's only going to be a few tweets instead. The blog post in question: dev.to/srmagura/why-were-breaking-up-wiht-css-in-js-4g9b
    OpenGraph image for dev.to/srmagura/why-were-breaking-up-wiht-css-in-js-4g9b
  4. TIL: Heading elements (<hX>) change font-size depending on context — ie. if they are in an <article>: codepen.io/kimblim/pen/PobzoGV 1: Encourages use of multiple <h1>’s. 2: Why would an <h2> be bigger than an <h1>? Someone enlighten me here. What’s the thinking behind it.
    OpenGraph image for codepen.io/kimblim/pen/PobzoGV
  5. I made a small tool: Grid Gradient Generator: kimblim.dk/tools/gradientgrid/ Feel free to RT!
  6. If you only read one thing today, read adactio's latest blog post. It's gooood. And scary. adactio.com/journal/6786/

I’ve retweeted other tweets 312 times (12.9%)

Most Retweeted

  1. csswizardry 17 retweets
  2. brad_frost 10 retweets
  3. rogerjohansson 9 retweets
  4. hey_stac 7 retweets
  5. scottjehl 6 retweets
  6. monteiro 6 retweets
  7. smashingmag 5 retweets
  8. therealkimblim 4 retweets
  9. Malarkey 4 retweets
  10. markboulton 4 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. engineering_bae 1 retweet
  2. overflowhidden 1 retweet
  3. type__error 1 retweet
  4. othermaciej 1 retweet
  5. erikkroes 1 retweet
  6. g33kgurli 1 retweet

Replies and Mentions

55.4% of my tweets are replies (×1,338)

Most Replies To

  1. csswizardry 84 replies
  2. SaraSoueidan 52 replies
  3. phloe_ 42 replies
  4. markboulton 36 replies
  5. Malarkey 34 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. SaraSoueidan 15 replies
  2. phloe_ 5 replies
  3. aardrian 5 replies
  4. frankstallone 4 replies
  5. JoshWComeau 3 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 111 times (4.6%)

60.0% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (285 of 475)

96.0% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (24 of 25)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 132 tweets
  2. codepen.io 23 tweets
  3. bit.ly 16 tweets
  4. w3.org 12 tweets
  5. kimblim.dk 12 tweets
  6. youtube.com 12 tweets
  7. github.com 11 tweets
  8. adactio.com 10 tweets
  9. google.com 8 tweets
  10. kmblm.dk 7 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 132 tweets
  2. codepen.io 22 tweets
  3. bit.ly 16 tweets
  4. kimblim.dk 12 tweets
  5. www.youtube.com 12 tweets
  6. www.w3.org 10 tweets
  7. github.com 10 tweets
  8. adactio.com 10 tweets
  9. kmblm.dk 7 tweets
  10. speakerdeck.com 6 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 236 retweets and ❤️ 1,496 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😂 used 7 times on 7 tweets
  2. ❤️ used 4 times on 3 tweets
  3. 😉 used 3 times on 3 tweets
  4. 👏 used 3 times on 3 tweets
  5. 🤣 used 2 times on 2 tweets

13 unique emoji on 26 tweets (1.2% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. a11y used 16 times
  2. coda used 11 times
  3. css used 11 times
  4. alldayhey used 7 times
  5. btconf used 7 times

383 hashtags on 382 tweets (18.2% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. s_it used 10 times
  2. h_ll used 8 times
  3. b_llshit used 4 times
  4. *_ used 3 times
  5. f_ck used 2 times

38 swear words on 38 tweets (1.8% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets